i love sahabat ak...!!

"sahabat" is the person i fall in love right after my family... how can i describe how much i love them...we had so much together...!! after something just had happen...i feel very sad...she left us for something she feel more comfortable.... i really miss her... she can go....i let her... but her memories will stand still in my mind!! i...

first sem story with my friends...hahaha!!

for this first sem...ada beberapa orang kwn yg paling rapat dengan ak...so rapat lea kn...hahaha (gelak ala2 bangga tue...!!) list of my rapat2 frenza!!: azieyan pardinan from Sabah...( so hot girl at campus!! ) syahira saleh a.k.a kechik toet... (so manja n nice girl at campus!!) nida shafee from Kedah... ( a shopaholic girl at campus!!...

the temperature really high now...i am exam fever!!

for my friends that need more motivation during the exam week....here i share with you some that came out from my mind right now... (^_^) * for who their plan something then it's didn't work...chill!! "if your plan A did't works...chill guys alphabet has 25 more words...so there will be plan B next!!" * for who still start to make some...

it's exam fever!!

since i come here... until now...  i believe that it is my fate... i can do the best... i can be the best... but... when i ask how... i feel upset.. cause i didn't really think that i am ready to go trough my own path... i need some motivation quotes to make me strong... ...

benar dia ayahmu...!!

anak: mak...nk duet!! cepat la org nk kuar neyh!! mak: mak xada duet nak...mak nak simpan utk byrkn rumah sewa kita neyh... anak: alaaa...mak orang dh penat la hidup susah neyh...!! mak: wahai anakku..sabar lah setiap susah itu ada senangnya...Allah itu adil nak... anak: neyh suma salah ayah lah neyh...napa dia tak belikn kita rumah jea dulu kn senang tak perlu byr sewa  tiap2 bulan...susahlh...

tribute to UMK

filem keluaran Fakulti Teknolgi kreatif dan Warisan... buat julung2 kalinya...filem keluaran asli dari University Malaysia Kelantan... tribute to...: MONSUN BAND maka akan berlansung: ...

we stick together...UMK

we are friend!! khas buat sahabatku...: 1. nida shafee 2. kechik 3. jie yanx 4. kak kuja 5.ira 6. fatehah 7. kak l...