list of my rapat2 frenza!!:
- azieyan pardinan from Sabah...( so hot girl at campus!! )
- syahira saleh a.k.a kechik toet... (so manja n nice girl at campus!!)
- nida shafee from Kedah... ( a shopaholic girl at campus!! )
- sahira ahmad from Kedah jgk... ( so hungry and!! )
- fariza norizan alaaaa...kedah jugak..( funniest girl at campus!! )
- fatihah...from kelantan!!...( hot mama ever!! )
- wiyah...( i am so comfortable with her...she so nice!!)
- sue...( my clubmate...hehehe. club bola tampar....)
- classmate...( wlwpown xrapat tp she is my rapatz frenz from far apart...**keliru!! )
- umi hamiemah... (my classmate...)
- hawa laaaa...( nice photographer at campus!! )
- nadia amelina..( frenz classmate...!!)
- fizie...( most klakar one n feel comfortable to chit chat with him...)
- mukhlis...(shy but he's okeyh!! )
- nurul...(my clubmate...bola tmpar...she's kelakar!!)
- dira...(my frenz classmate...)
- izwan...(my classmate...his drawing so so so nice!)
- fatah...(mysterious classmate... )
- zaidi... (mysterious classmate jugak...)
- sabri...(shy...n mysterious jugak tue..)
- kak kuja...(she still my frenz n i really miss who is she before...not who she is now!!)

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