first sem story with my friends...hahaha!!

for this first sem...ada beberapa orang kwn yg paling rapat dengan rapat lea kn...hahaha (gelak ala2 bangga tue...!!)

list of my rapat2 frenza!!:
  1. azieyan pardinan from Sabah...( so hot girl at campus!! )
  2. syahira saleh a.k.a kechik toet... (so manja n nice girl at campus!!)
  3. nida shafee from Kedah... ( a shopaholic girl at campus!! )
  4. sahira ahmad from Kedah jgk... ( so hungry and!! )
  5. fariza norizan alaaaa...kedah jugak..( funniest girl at campus!! )
  6. fatihah...from kelantan!!...( hot mama ever!! )
  7. wiyah...( i am so comfortable with her...she so nice!!)
  8. sue...( my clubmate...hehehe. club bola tampar....)
  9. classmate...( wlwpown xrapat tp she is my rapatz frenz from far apart...**keliru!! )
  10. umi hamiemah... (my classmate...)
  11. hawa laaaa...( nice photographer at campus!! )
  12. nadia amelina..( frenz classmate...!!)
  13. fizie...( most klakar one n feel comfortable to chit chat with him...)
  14. mukhlis...(shy but he's okeyh!! )
  15. nurul...(my clubmate...bola tmpar...she's kelakar!!) 
  16. dira...(my frenz classmate...)
  17. izwan...(my classmate...his drawing so so so nice!) 
  18. fatah...(mysterious classmate... )
  19. zaidi... (mysterious classmate jugak...)
  20. sabri...(shy...n mysterious jugak tue..)
  21. kak kuja...(she still my frenz n i really miss who is she before...not who she is now!!)

ak zieyan n kechik!!

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel first sem story with my friends...hahaha!! ini dipublish oleh Unknown pada hari Tuesday, 15 January 2013. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan first sem story with my friends...hahaha!!


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